PRIVACYAny personal information you provide when emailing or subscribing to the "Eagle's Nest" is processed using SSL encryption to secure all the information you are providing. SSL -- secure socket layers -- is the industry standardized software used to keep your information protected and safe. Also, all information you provide is completely confidential and is not given to anyone else in any way -- your information is used by EagleChild for communication purposes only.
INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK The only way I promote Eagle Child's music and teachings to you is if you give me permission to do so. Although I do use "Mobile Monkey" and "InstaChamp" to respond to your direct messages in a timely manner, I do not give Instagram or Facebook permission to capture your email or your phone number to market Eagle's music and teachings. Should you desire to receive such marketing promotions please subscribe to "the Eagle's Nest" where you also receive "good medicine" to apply to your daily life.
© 1988- Eagle Child. All Rights Reserved. |